I’m a mechanical engineer that’s eternally curious about the way things work. Cars, robots, machinery – you name it, I probably know a thing or two about its inner workings.
But there’s one thing that has completely captivated me – boats.
While I’m not exactly a professional, I’ve been around boats since I was 5 years old. My father was a fisherman, and he would often take me on his trips.
It was on those trips that I was exposed to how boats work and how to take care of them. I became my dad’s right-hand man and learned some trade secrets. It was also on those trips that I fell in love with boats.
Then I turned 18, and I decided to search for a new life elsewhere.
I left town to study mechanical engineering, and I got so caught up with all the amazing modern machines. That time, no one would’ve guessed that I used to be a fisherman. I was so busy, I couldn’t even remember what my past life was like.
But deep within me, I never lost my love for boats.
One day, my friend invited me to check his old boat. He guessed that since I was an engineer, I might be able to help him with the engine.
Boy was I able to help him out.
I didn’t only fix his engine, I fixed his hull, gave his boat a makeover, and got his boat registered. I also left him with more advice he ever hoped to get.
By the end of it, he was speechless. He was shocked by how much I knew and, I’ll admit, I was somewhat surprised myself. I knew where my knowledge came from of course, but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
Word got around that I was some sort of boat whiz, and it wasn’t long before more and more friends were asking me for help and advice.
Yet I didn’t feel burdened at all. Instead, I loved the new attention I was getting. I loved that I could use all my stored up knowledge to help my friends (and friends of friends) with all their boating concerns.
I became the “boat guy”, and soon found myself learning more just to help others. Before I knew it, even strangers would message me for help.
That’s when I decided to create this website.
I created this site to help people – to help you – with your boat problems. That’s why I publish buying guides, how-tos, boat reviews, and more.
Instead of helping one person at a time, I want this website to be the “one-stop-shop” for everyone’s boating concerns. I want people to head straight to Anchor.travel whenever they have a problem.
I’m not quite there yet. This is, after all, just my hobby. But I promise to keep pumping out top-quality articles covering all of your boating concerns.
Because I love boats.
– Steve –
Our Team

Sarah Hood
Sarah Hood has been writing for Anchor Travel since 2021. When she’s not writing, she enjoys cooking, singing, and spending time in the great outdoors.
Misty Compton
Amazon best-selling author & coauthor, Misty Compton is an outdoor enthusiast, raised on water sports, fitness, and writing. CEO of two companies, Daggerwing Publishing House LLC and Organized Otter Administrative Support LLC, she writes and edits content providing great reads, and assists companies remotely by helping them get organized.
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